more than meets the eye

Repositioning a misunderstood brand amongst a misunderstood audience




Bonprix is one of the Otto Group’s biggest fashion brands, yet in 2018, it had somewhat lost its cool.

“Not my style”.
“For boring housewives.”
“Something my gran would wear.”

The brand was in need of a fresh point of view. When we looked at the truth at the heart of Bonprix’ product offering, and the lives of our target audience, we found that there was much more to both than met the eye.

At a time when the fashion industry was obsessed with unattainable and superficial beauty ideals, we chose to celebrate the wonderfully imperfect lives of our audience, showing them that we understood them.

Our campaign launched with a film taking on Bonrix’s perception, and the perception of its consumers, showing the world that one should never judge a book by its cover.

The campaign ran across Europe, with each key market getting a unique version of the song to match their language which was also launched on Spotify.

More than just a campaign, the perfect fit for your wonderfully imperfect life became an operating system for how they behaved at all touchpoints.

Not bad for a dusty old catalogue brand.

Music case study



Arla Cravendale

